Brunch is for everyone.
everyone.When you mess with brunch, you mess with us.
In March 2023, legislation was enacted in Tennessee to restrict drag brunches, the rights of performers and those who enjoy their shows. Though the law has been ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge, the decision is widely expected to be appealed, and more bills like this are popping up around the country. We see this effort for what it is – a thinly veiled attempt to divide people and communities, and to frame those who have the right to freely express themselves as somehow dangerous. That’s not just, and we’re here to help.
Please join us in supporting organizations working for the equal rights of LGBTQ+ people in Tennessee and nationwide.
Human Rights Campaign
Since 1980, HRC has led the way in fighting for LGBTQ+ equality and inclusion. Your donation will help this fight and support equality for all.
Tennessee Equality Project
Your contribution funds the advancement of policies through direct and grassroots lobbying, which protect the rights of LGBTQ+ people and their families in Tennessee.
We’re proud to support upcoming drag brunches and serve really good eggs to raise awareness and funds. Donations will be made to organizations working for LGBTQ+ equality and we will match customer tips given to performers.
Organizing a drag brunch in a state with active anti-drag legislation and want Just Egg? Let us know!
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emails.Subscribe to them below.