So good you’ll accidentally eat healthy.


The only Clean Label Project Certified egg

Just Egg is the only egg in the U.S. to receive the industry-leading Clean Label Project Certification, which tests for purity, including heavy metals, antibiotics, mycotoxins and pesticide residues, including Glyphosate.

That’s just one of many reasons we believe that the best eggs – and the cleanest eggs – are made from plants.

If you had a cardiologist on call to make you breakfast, they’d feed you eggs from plants.

A healthy, plant-based diet may reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Why? Reducing dietary cholesterol intake, as well as replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat, can help reduce your blood cholesterol and your risk of cardiovascular disease.

The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published a study that said substituting plant protein for egg protein lowered mortality risk by nearly one-fourth. In an analysis of 416,104 men and women, the study attributed the lower overall mortality primarily to the substitution of plant protein for egg protein (24% lower risk in men and 21% lower risk in women) and red meat protein (13% lower risk in men and 15% lower risk in women.)

“As a cardiologist, I’m having conversations every day with patients about how they can lower their cholesterol. For those who eat eggs, one answer is, ‘Eat this instead.’”


— Dr. Danielle Belardo, MD


Just Egg has zero cholesterol.


per 50g

0mg Just Egg

186mg Chicken Egg

Just Egg has 69% less saturated fat.


per 50g

0.5g Just Egg

1.6g Chicken Egg

Just Egg has 5g to 6g of plant protein.


per 50g

5.9g Just Egg

6.3g Chicken Egg

Eat it for your heart. Or the deliciousness.


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